Faith Fact- Pastoral Meetings/Conferences/Visitations


We all have times in our lives on this spiritual journey where we need a little help, maybe even some thoughts and guidance. One of the resources you can turn to in these times is your minister. For those at parishes with multiple clergy, this could be any ordained person who you feel can help you make sense of what God is saying to you.

There are several terms we could use for these meetings. We can simply call them Pastoral Meetings. We could also call them Pastoral Conferences. If your minister is meeting you at your home, then we would call them Pastoral Visitations.

These meetings are available for anytime you have a question or concern that you'd like your pastor's advice. All you have to do is call up your clergy and schedule a time when you can sit down together.

The great thing too is that these meetings are confidential. The only way anything you share will leave the room is 

  • if you bring something that your minister is mandated to report (typically issues related to abuse, such as with children), 
  • if your minister, in order to better help you, needs to consult with your bishop or someone in authority above them (in both cases, these are people who also would hold what you say as confidential. Your minister will generally give you a heads up if they plan to do so), or
  • if you yourself give your minister permission to share anything you have said to them.
Good ethical practice requires that if you present the same issue to your pastor multiple times (3 or more), they should refer you to a Pastoral Counselor or other trained specialist. This is to ensure that you have all the tools to help you on your spiritual journey.

Pastoral Meetings/Conferences/Visitations are a great first step to help receive spiritual guidance to help you better discern what God is saying to you. It can also be the first step needed to find other avenues that can help you live into our Faith through the ups and downs life throws at us.