Methods of Bible Study


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Three Helpful Bible Study Techniques
1.    Academic Method
·     How Does It Work?
o  Exactly as it sounds: Academic
o  One Person, the leader, studies the text closely.
o  Can also utilize other sources, such as:
§  Commentaries
§  Primary Source Material (Greek and Hebrew)
§  Other Relevant Books
·     What Are the Advantages of this Method?
o  Understanding the literal meaning of the passage
o  Understanding the cultural context of the passage
o  Understanding scholarly work on the passage
·     What Do You Need to Use this Method Well?
o  A leader with time to closely study
§  Works best with a background in Scripture
§  Even better with an expert
§  Helps to have an engaging speaker
o  Members who wish to have an academic focus
o  The willingness to meet others where they are with how academic you get with this method
·     How Does It Work?
o  Members gather each week.
o  One or more members have a question to begin with.
o  All members discuss what the text might mean.
·     What Are the Advantages of this Method?
o  Everyone is involved.
o  You don’t have to special knowledge to participate.
o  Don’t have to prepare a lot
o  Can hear passage from different perspectives
·     What Do You Need to Use this Method Well?
o  Willing and active participants
o  Members who are willing to listen and not interrupt
o  Guidelines for discussion
·     How Does It Work?
1.  Take a verse or passage in Scripture. Read it out loud.
2.  As the passage is read, look for a phrase that sticks out for you. Write that phrase down.
3.  Read the passage again.
4.  This time, pick a word that sticks out for you.
5.  Read the passage one last time.
6.  Based on this final reading and the phrase and word that have come to mind, reflect on what God might be saying to you through this passage of Scripture.
7.  Share and discuss what God is saying to each of you. 
8.  Reflect on what God may be calling each of you to do, both individually and as a group
·     What Are the Advantages of this Method?
o  No preparation beforehand needed
o  Allows you to focus on listening to God
o  There are multi Lectio methods out there
o  Can be used as a private method as well
·     What Do You Need to Use this Method Well?
o  Lectio Divina guidelines that everyone can follow
o  Extra time to process and listen
o  People open to using this method
Note: There are other Methods too, many based on the above.
·      Small Group Method
o  This can employ versions of the Academic and Discussion methods
o  Best done if each member takes turns leading
o  Helps if one resource is employed that everyone uses
·      Ignatian Method
o  A form of reading a passage where you ask which character do you identify with and why
o  Need to be in a trusting and safe environment to use

o  Can use by yourself