Why Faith Facts

One of my main focuses at St. Paul's has been on Christian Formation because it is an important role for ministers in the Episcopal Church (In the ordination service, we are called to be "pastors, priests, and teachers", BCP 531) and because Adult Christian Formation was something we needed.

Since we live in a busy world, I wanted to make it easier for all our members to continue their Formation as Christians. To do so, I started presenting short topics during the Sunday service announcements. This also allowed me to cover subjects that I would never be able to talk about in a sermon (which are really just about discussing what God is trying to say to us through the Scripture readings on any given day anyways). The Faith Fact posts on this blog come from those Sunday presentations.

All ideas must grow and change. My plan going forward is to connect the Faith Fact each week to what is being covered in Christian Formation. My hope is that the Faith Fact will be a starting point to get you interested in diving into our Christian Formation sessions each Wednesday.

On that note, tune in next time to learn more about the importance of Christian Formation in all of our lives.