"Where Your Treasure Is": Stewardship Letter for The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 2019

One of the most difficult topics for us to discuss in this world is money. Yet money is so foundational to our lives. It allows us to buy the things we need like food and shelter and marks the time we have given to our professions. We can avoid talking about it, but money is always there as part of the fabric of our lives.

When our money has gone to what we need to sustain ourselves, our next focus is often on giving to the people we love. This reflects the often-quoted Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

There is so much I can and want to say about money and giving, but I believe these words from Matthew reflect the underlying truth of the matter. Giving to the church is nothing more than showing our love for this community and recognizing a sense of belonging with our fellow siblings in Christ Jesus.

There are many amazing events going on at Resurrection, from Rice and Beans to Wednesday Lunch Discussions to Summer Cookouts to Cheeseballs. We cannot do this work without your support, both as volunteers and financially. When you give to Resurrection, we can continue to be the Light of Christ in the world. When you pledge, we can better plan for our future. Planning is vital for us as we prepare to expand our ministry with the recently purchased Christopher Commons, explore new opportunities with our youth, and, of course, find a new rector for our parish.

Often when we talk about stewardship, we speak of the tithe, i.e. giving 10% of our income. That is a good goal, but the tithe will be too much for some to give and too little to give for others. I encourage you to look at your budget and reflect on what is best for you to give. If you need help finding resources to aid in your budgeting, please feel free to contact me or one of our vestry members.

This life is fragile, and circumstances sometimes change without warning. Please know that we understand that your financial situation may change and that your pledge may have to change with it. Again, the vestry and I are ready to help should that happen.

I hope you will join me in giving as generously as you can to Resurrection. Help us to show God’s love to the world by showing your love for us. Help us to live the Resurrection Life together. Thank you for your support because every gift given is precious!