God is There With You: Wednesday in Week 3 of Easter, Year 2

Readings for the Day:

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In our Gospel reading for this evening, we hear the story of Jesus’ Baptism. In it John the Baptist sees Jesus coming up to be baptized. John doesn’t feel worthy to baptize Jesus, but Jesus tells Him to do it because “it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.”

Jesus didn’t have to baptized. He didn’t need to be forgiven for His sins because He didn’t have any.

God didn’t have to come into this world as Jesus. God could have chosen to bring us back to Himself some other way, or God could have chosen to allow us to go our own way and not come back to Him at all.

God’s way is to enter into our lives, literally, and become one of us. God’s way to bring us back is to walk in our shoes, again literally, and come to experience the same things we have. That means life. That means Baptism. That means death.

God is present with us in all aspects of our life because God knows what it is like to live life as a human being. That has been our Easter theme as of late, and it is a message we very much need to hear right now.

Whether you are upset because you are separated from others or because people can contact you more easily now, whether you love the new reality you are forced to live in or hate it, whether you feel more overworked than you did before or feel you are finally getting some semblance of a sabbath rest, whether you find joy in your current daily routine or despair, or whether the changes in the weather and pollen count throw you off or not, God is there with you throughout your journey.

Whatever you are doing to care for others through your social distancing or whatever your life looks like, God is there with you in the midst of it, and God will be there with you through the joy, the pain, and the change through this time and beyond.