Why Did God Choose Mary?: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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We often like to add reasons to why Mary was chosen to bear God into this world. Things like that she also had an immaculate birth or that she too was born without sin. It is as if God wasn’t okay coming down into the mess of it all here on Earth, which He did, so He was.

The real reason Mary was chosen to be the God Bearer is in this passage today. It is in her answer to the Angel Gabriel. It’s not that Mary doesn’t ask questions. She does, and does so rightly. She doesn’t question if this is possible, merely how. Once she understands, she says, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord. Let it be with me according to your word.”

What Gabriel says to Mary is a great risk. Being found pregnant by anyone other than her betrothed could have been a death sentence for her, but Mary trusted that God would get her through. She trusted in the Lord. She had Faith.

That Trust, that Faith, is what God is looking for from us. That is why Mary was chosen to be the God Bearer. It is why we should ever look to her as a prime example in living out our own Faith in this world.