The Preparation of Lent


We normally think of Lent as a time for giving things up. It is a season of repentance, and that means laying aside those things that draw us away from God. This is what we hear in the Ash Wednesday service.

We also hear on Ash Wednesday that Lent is also a time of preparation. In the early church, Lent was the period to prepare people for Baptism at the Easter Vigil. For all of us, it is a time to get ready for the celebration of the key events of our Faith: Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection.

God’s ultimate work in those events was to bring us back into relationship with Him. We all need to nurture that relationship from time to time. Lent, as a season of preparation, is the perfect time to do the work to renew our connection with God.

If you give something up this Lent, I hope you will take something on too. Taking something on can help us in our preparation for Easter. It can remind us of God’s presence in our lives. It can make us feel closer to our Lord as we celebrate the love He has for us.

Whatever you decide to do for Lent, I hope it is a productive season for you and that you feel God present in your heart always.