Opening Our Eyes to Belief: Wednesday in Easter Week

Readings for the Day:

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In many ways, today’s reading looks ahead to Sunday as both are about belief and how we come to believe.

What is it that opens our eyes to the Lord? For Cleopas and his fellow disciple, it isn’t a mere “eucharistic presence” as some would like us to believe. Their eyes are opened simply by seeing an action they have seen their Master do time and time again: breaking bread at the table with them.

Our rituals and reading of Scripture are designed to do the same. They are there to remind us of who God is and what God says. They are there to help us so that when we encounter God, in any possible place as with Cleopas and his fellow disciple, we too might recognize our Lord. In this way we can know God when God speaks to us, and then we too, like Cleopas and his companion, can know God more fully as we come into our own belief.