The Tension of Our Faith In Our Time: Sunday of the Passion- Palm Sunday, Year A

Readings for the Day:

The Liturgy of the Palms

The Liturgy of the Word


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Today is a Sunday with two names: The Sunday of the Passion and Palm Sunday.

These two names reflect the tension we experience today: the tension between rejoicing in victory and sorrow over death.

That tension is not only what today is all about, but it is also at the core of our faith. We are happy and rejoice over Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, but we are also sad, mournful, and ashamed that Jesus’ victory could only come through the pain of His death.

This year we have the unique experience of fully living into that tension this Holy Week. We prepare to rejoice over Jesus’ victory over the grave, but we also sorrow that we will not be able to celebrate that victory together.

We remain apart because of the reminder all around us that disease and death are still very much present in this world. In a way, we are actually always living into the tension of sorrow and victory on this side of life.

This Holy Week, we have a unique opportunity to be reminded of that tension we live with, the tension of rejoicing and sorrow. Don’t try to put away your sorrow at this time, but use it to understand what Jesus and His Disciples were going through themselves. Know that even in this sorrow there is victory even if we don’t always get to see that victory right away, just as we won’t get to fully celebrate that victory in this life.